on this date, a girl was born at 2057 hours to Cik Jijah n Cik Amran... and that girl has turn 28 today..
Dear Allah, thank you for the blessful life that i have. thank you for giving me the strength to face all the obstacles..thank you for all the rezki that i receive...i too thank you for blessing me with a cute adorable daughter, whom i hope n pray that will grow into someone that is succeed in life, a good servant to her creator, an obedient child...insyaAllah...
Dear Allah, thank you for the blessful life that i have. thank you for giving me the strength to face all the obstacles..thank you for all the rezki that i receive...i too thank you for blessing me with a cute adorable daughter, whom i hope n pray that will grow into someone that is succeed in life, a good servant to her creator, an obedient child...insyaAllah...

9 budak nak komen gakkk:
Ngan..happy birthday ngan...alhamdulillah...semoganya sumenya adalah yang terbaik buat ngan..amin..
psstt..jemput dtg umah k ina sabtu ni ek..makan2..
tq k ina.. :)
sabtu? mmm x dpt hadir balik melaka dis week..huhu..rugiii..mesti makan besssst
hepi besday
celebrate?? :D:D
eppy besday busya :D
uit dear frends..
happy besday ya..semoga aper yg diimpikan menjadi kenyataan
...nanti leh together2 aku belanje key ...
happy b'day ngan!
heppi belated birth day to u...Ngan
semoga apa yg dihajati dapat dipenuhi...pada tahun baru 2010...
-shuke- jkr,cks (ex-L1M1)
thank u for all d wishes.. :)
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