Raya tiba lagi.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hehe...cubaan untuk kembali memblogging...
insyaAllah, slow2 untuk blog balik. 

bukan xde cerita utk share. banyak. tapi tatau la kenapa aku x publish post tu. 
ni tadi aku stress keje, saje bukak blog ni.
sunyi je nampak. so, tergerak nak start blog balik.

ok, till next post. Selamat Berpuasa yep (pose dah nak abis, baru nk wish..ngaha :p)

new environment new job, new me?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

im so sorry for not updating this blog...as i am still trying to build my new life in my new home...sume back to basic...astro xde, unifi xde..so, leh imagine how miserable i am kat sana?utk seorang yg kaki downloading, kaki tgk tv..benda2 asas ni xde...owhhh...MISERABLE HOKEY??? :p aku rasa cam dh lama gile haku x tgk tv...haish...

anyway, i have left jk.r for one month now...in term of work, the burden/workload drastically increased..no surprise there, as this is the private sector...but, i dont know whether i can adapt to this type of job that really need my PR skills to be tip top..ngahaha...to those that know me, my PR is bad...i dont have the ability to start a conversation with someone new..haha...dah camana?my new job needs me to communicate with people..which is not me...huhu...so, a bit stress there..haha... :p ye, aku stress bile aku xleh nak do well in my job.. :p

mmm, me adapting to new life style...in kuala terengganu...hahahaha...yes, i admit..i am still culture shock...tho dah sebulan, STILL...i cant adapt to the lifestyle sebelah sana...bukanlah aku nak kata aku ni bandar sgt...tapi...tah...and i still cant find a friend that truly can be my friend...kawan yang boleh jadi teman nangis, teman suke...maybe i have put the bar too high, or maybe i'm looking for someone like so'e...someone that i can express my true feeling, without having to watch for my words, or without them having some sort of weird expression towards me...yeah, i know i'm weird in some ways..but, that just me...soe, thank you for accepting me as ur fren..hihi :p and i'm blaming you for being such a good fren to me sampai aku xleh nak cari membe lain..hahha :p 

mmm what else to update?itu je la kot buat mase ni...ade lagi benda nk update...special entry for someone special...insyaAllah, if sempat aku up esok.. ^o^ till next time peeps...daaaa~